
Room 8 Kirklandneuk

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Pyramid or Museum?

We couldn't decide whether to make our classroom into the inside of a pyramid or a museum so we have decided to do both!

We worked in our new groups and brainstormed what Big Questions we wanted answered. How could we transform our classroom? What writing activities could we do? And what open evening activities could we have? We worked in a carousel and then typed up all the answers.

Have a look at Mr Macaw's blog and see what he got up to with Miss McCurdy at New Year and Liam W, Caitlyn and Jennifer in January.

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Saturday, 15 January 2011

A Visit to Paisley Museum

This week we visited the Ancient Egyptian section of Paisley Museum. There were lots of things to see and do. We especially liked dressing up as Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptian hairstyles!

Which one is the Mummy?
An Ancient Egyptian mirror and bowl.

We made a learning plan about what we know about Ancient Egypt and what we would like to learn more about.

We have lots of links to websites about Ancient Egypt at the foot of our class page on the school website.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Evaluating our badgemaking

We thought about the things we did well with our badge making project and things we would do better another time.

Here are some of them!

Mr Macaw went home with Liam W last weekend. You can read about Mr Macaw's visit here.

We still haven't decided what to do with our £41 profit! If you have a good suggestion for us please leave a comment below.


Thursday, 6 January 2011

Enterprising Badgers

Once the order forms were handed in, we wrote the name of the designer on the back and then cut out the badges from the order forms.

We put the picture between a metal badge and a piece of plastic and then inserted it into the badge maker. Finally we added the pin to the back of the badge.

We put the badges with their order forms into plastic bags before sending them back to all the people who ordered them.

Once we had finished making all the badges for the rest of the school we made some for ourselves. Here they are in their packets before we took them home.

We made over 80 badges and the money group added the money and found that we made £41.20 altogether so we will have to decide what do with our profits!

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